General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU REG. 2016/79 – May 2018
At the Lauren Haith School of Dance, we comply with all rules and regulations regarding data protection. All staff have been trained in requirements under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25 May 2018, in addition to those protections granted under the Data Protection Act 2018.
In order to provide you with an efficient and informative service we will need to store and share personal data on you and your child.
Upon enrolment we will ask for your child’s name, date of birth and gender as well as contact details and important medical information. We store this information on a secure device to make sure we can contact you in an emergency and so we can correspond regarding class changes, fees and invoices.
If you give consent for your child to take their Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) ballet exams we will need to share the following data with the RAD so your child can take their exam:
Your child’s Name
Medical Information (this would only be provided if your child needs any additional support in the exam setting and specific consent has been given)
We do not pass on any parental details, address or contact numbers.
We may also wish to use your child’s name in show programmes and newsletters to mark their achievements and you will be asked for your consent to do this during sign-up.
We collect separate consent during sign-up regarding use of photographs and video. As part of our programmes, marketing or promotional material we may want to use images of a dance class or performance in which your child is featured. You have the right to decide whether or not you are happy for your child’s image to feature.
Under UK law, parental consent will always expire when the child reaches the age of understanding – or the age at which they can consent for themselves. In the UK this is deemed to be 13 years old as long as the child is capable of understanding consent. As such, we will also collect consent from any children over 13 regarding their data use.
Under GDPR you are granted certain rights. You have the right to see the information held about you and to correct any data that is not accurate. A detailed list of the rights granted to you are available on the Information Commissioner’s Website. If you have any questions about the use of your data or wish to view or make changes to the data held about you please contact the school Principal here.